Cauliflower Cheese with Herb Crust

Cauliflower Cheese with Herb Crust

  1. Preheat oven to 180 degrees 
  2. Bring a large saucepan of salted water to the boil and blanch the cauliflower for 15 mins or until just tender. 
  3. In a saucepan melt the vegan spread and mix with the flour stir well and then take a whisk and bit by bit whisk in the unsweetened mighty pea milk, now add the cheese, nutritional yeast flakes, white miso whisk, season well and set aside. 
  4. In a blender add the sourdough herbs and salt and blitz to a fine bread crumb. 
  5. Now take a ceramic oven proof dish and add the tender drained cauliflower, poor over the cheese sauce and sprinkle over the herb crumb, bake in the oven for 35 mins or until the crust is golden and crisp. 
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