Mighty Mushroom Pasta

Mighty Mushroom Pasta

  1. Bring a pan of salted water to the boil. 
  2. Clean and trim and slice your mushrooms. 
  3. In another saucepan make the sauce, gently melt the vegan spread and add the plain flour now whisk in the mighty pea making sure you slowly add it, let the sauce heat a little and whisk in the vegan cream cheese and nutritional yeast flakes and season well and lower the heat. 
  4. Add the penne to the boiling water and simmer for 15mins or until cooked to your liking. 
  5. In a frying pan heat the olive oil to a medium heat and fry your sliced mushrooms until golden brown. 
  6. now drain the penne and add to the mushrooms making sure a few tbsp of the cooking water go in the pan, add as much of the vegan cheese sauce as you need to your mushrooms and penne and mix, serve into bowls and top with very thinly sliced raw chestnut mushrooms and chopped flat leaf parsley and a small grating of vegan Parmesan. 
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