Sweet Potato and Red Pepper Laksa

Sweet Potato and Red Pepper Laksa

  1. Pre-heat oven to 200°C
  2. Toss peppers and roast sweet potatoes in oil and salt
  3. Roast sweet potatoes for 20 mins then add the red pepper and roast for another 15-20 minutes
  4. Make the paste – put 1 tsp oil, onion, garlic, ginger, chilli powder, curry powder, cumin and into a blender and pulse until smooth. Add a splash of water if it needs it
  5. Gently fry the paste in a large saucepan for 4-5 minutes then add in the stock and simmer for around 10 minutes
  6. Cook noodles according to packet instructions
  7. Take the soup off the heat and stir in the mighty m.lk and taste for seasoning. Add sugar, salt and chilli flakes to taste
  8. Add in noodles and serve topped with sweet potato, pepper, roughly chopped coriander and a squeeze of lime
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